Your Next Draft
Your Next Draft is the fiction writer's guide to developmental editing. What do you do after your first draft? How do you flesh out flat characters, fill in plot holes, and hook your readers from the first page to the last? What does editing a novel even mean? Developmental editor and book coach Alice Sudlow answers all these questions and more. Each week, she shares the editing strategies she's using with her one-on-one clients so you can put them to use in your own novel. Tune in for tips, tools, and step-by-step guides for the novel editing process.
Your Next Draft
Behind the Scenes of a Deep Dive Manuscript Evaluation
The 7 layers of analysis I use to edit a fourth draft of a novel.
I don’t know about you, but right now, my schedule is full. My days are packed with editing. I have several manuscripts I’m absolutely loving on my desk right now, so many pages to read, and so many notes to share with writers.
With all this editing, I didn’t have time to put together a typical episode of Your Next Draft for you. So . . . I’m doing something a little different today.
I’ve decided to pull back the curtain on the editing I’m doing right now, this week, on the manuscript I’m currently reading.
In this episode, you’ll get a glimpse of how I think about a manuscript as I edit it. You’ll see:
- The 7 (yes, 7!) levels of analysis I’m applying as I read
- The stage of the editing process this manuscript is in
- How I know what levels of editing are right for this manuscript at this stage
- The things I’m not editing in this manuscript right now
- That I really, really, really love editing (so much that I peaked on the mic a few times as I recorded. Sorry!)
- And more!
If you’ve ever wondered what a developmental editor is thinking when they’re editing a novel . . .
. . . well, this is it. These are my thoughts, almost in-the-moment, as I edit a manuscript I’m loving.
Huge shoutout to author J. D. Edwin, whose manuscript this episode is about, and who gave me the all clear to share a glimpse at our process together. She’ll be delighted if you check out her books at jdedwin.com.
They’re really good books. (Yes, I’m a bit biased, because I edited them. But still. They’re really good.)
Links mentioned in the episode:
- Check out J. D. Edwin’s books: jdedwin.com
- Listen to J. D. talk about her editing process: How to Create an Editing Process That Works for You With Author JD Edwin
- See whether I’m the right editor for your novel: alicesudlow.com/wishlist
- Reach out and let’s talk editing your novel: alicesudlow.com/contact
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